Saturday, March 8, 2014

End Racism Forever... One Person at a Time... Starting With You

Racism is ugly. Racism is hurtful. Racism is dangerous. Racism eliminates logic and reason and leads to violence and personal attacks. Racism leads to war. Racism leads to genocide. Racism leads to conflict. Racism tears at the fabric of humanity. Racism is unnecessary and inefficient for the future of our world. But how can it end? It seems do deep rooted within our DNA.

Hope springs eternal from each of us. We want a better world and that world is just a moment away as each of us decide within ourselves to be the catalyst for change. Warhol called it six degrees of separation. Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter are proving that humanity truly is a number of degrees of separation from each other. I am often amazed at how many mutual friends I have on my facebook account with my friends. We are all so connected to each other and we are only just discovering how connected we really are. We can build upon those connections to change the world but it all begins with the individual. 

Each time a life changes for the better the world also changes. Waiting for government to solve all of our problems isn't the answer. Change must come a single person at a time. Then one by one each raindrop falls into a puddle, a stream, a lake, and then an ocean of change. Each of us is a raindrop. Change begins within each of us.

The power to end racism is in your hands. Politicians take an oath of office. Doctors take the hypocratic oath. Witnesses take an oath in court to tell the truth. Knights have taken oaths for over a thousand years. Oaths are also deeply rooted within our DNA. What if each of us took an oath to never discriminate against any human for any reason? What if we all asked our friends to do the same and they in turn asked their friends to take the same oath?

Wouldn't we see a wave of tolerance followed by an even more important wave of understanding? We might see the end of racism in all of its ugly forms swept from the world. We might see all negotiations on the global stage void of anything except logic and reason to bring about a new era of world peace.

There are so many things that divide us... can this be the single thing that unites us? Can we all take an oath never to discriminate against any human for any reason? 

I have taken this oath and I implore all of you to do the same. Make it meaningfull! Make it sacred! Kneel on both knees and have a few witnesses share this moment with you. I promise you that you will feel the change deep within your soul. I promise you that you will get up and walk a different life. It seems so simple yet so powerful.

We have it in us to end racism forever. Let's all kneel and take the oath together. A better world awaits...

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